Thursday 14 May 2020

Experiment Two - Peer Reviews

Assessment Submission: Experiment 2 - The Bridge

Experiment 2 Submission: The Bridge

The Theory

'The circulation of users through, within, and around architecture should aspire to mimic 
that of blood within veins; providing a path for the architecture; the person, the body, to travel 
through space and time, ever adapting to its users needs, 
however unforeseeable that future might be.'

Sketchup and Lumion Environments 

Titles will link you to Google Drive folder access:

The Moving Elements

The following link will take you to two short animations showing the two moving elements in my submission: the bridge with connecting, suspended studio spaces, and the wind turbines embedded vertically as a feature wall.

Perspective and Axonometric GIFS

36 Custom Textures & Textures within Model Environment

Realtime Images

Aerial view of the moving components - the bridge and the turbines:

Pedestrian/public view from Anzac Parade of the proposed building within the site:

Student/staff/visitor view from UNSW Campus main thoroughfare of the proposed building within the site:

View from one of the six suspended glass studio spaces that move along with the bridge:

View from within the below ground garden, through to the combined lecture, gallery, and staff and administration offices:

Perspective Drawings

Sunday 19 April 2020

Ex. 2, Wk 3: Textures, 6 each on linear, rotational and scalar translation, and 6 each on (three words that help my understanding of movement) communicative, functional, and repetitive

Linear textures

Rotational textures 

Scalar textures 

Communicative textures 

Functional textures 

Repetitive texture

Textures applied in SketchUp Model Environment

I chose areas to apply my textures that would show significance to the new architectures
connection with existing buildings and thoroughfare; the entryway at ground height to lecture spaces (first image), the lofted stairs providing avenue from the roundhouse and squarehouse
central walkway (second image); and the proposed entry and exit from the
upper level of the squarehouse (third image).

Ex.2, Self-directed tutorial: animated GIFs

Ex. 2, Wk 2 - Independent Study: two images of the first draft of my bridge/school from Lumion

(to be uploaded)

Exp. 2, Wk 2 - Reimagined plan of Mies van der Rohe's Brick Country House



Exp. 2 Wk 1 - Independant Study

Lumion image showing atmosphere of model

(to be uploaded)


'Architectural Concepts: Circulation'

(reference to be added)

3-5 words


Distinct and significant theory relating to movement using 3-5 words from previous article

'The purpose of the circulation of users through, within, and around architectural elements 
should - ideally - mimic that of blood within veins; providing a path for the architecture, or the body, to travel through space and time, ever adapting to its users needs, 
however unforeseeable that future might be.'